
God made everything

I cherish my grocery time with Sydney - she is always full of questions and it is a great bonding time for us. Yesterday our conversation went something like this:
S: Mom, did God make everything?
M: Yes, he did.
S: Did he make flowers and birds?
M: That's right.
S: (with lots of astonishment and big wide eyes) Did he even make Wal-Mart?


benandchayfuller said...

That is so funny! She is so cute :) Hope your feeling ok.

Kelly said...

That's cute. She's so funny.

Anonymous said...

Explain to her that God did not make Wal-Mart, instead he created Target so she could have popcorn.

See ya soon.

Anonymous said...

This is the best one yet.

jennie said...

this is hillarious ashley, especially since you're in wal-mart country... what a smart little gal you have!